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The Readiness Roadmap

Be ready to stay in business

Be informed

Get and distribute alerts

Sign up for emergency alerts, share emergency alerts company-wide, buy a NOAA Weather Radio, and explore the Emergency Information Hub.

Alert signups and downloads

Be informed

Understand your disaster risk

Identify disasters common to your location, learn what to do in different disasters, and understand weather alert terminology.

Be informed

Review your insurance policy

Call your insurance agent and review your coverage for common disasters and consider business interruption insurance.

Consider how to

Help the community

Now that you’re informed, help others by making sure they’re informed. Share alert information with your employees, customers, vendors, suppliers, and others in your community.

Make a plan

Assess your risks and critical assets

Start small and complete the Resilience in a Box Business Readiness Checklist, follow useful tips, and begin working through the Resilience in a Box Business Resilience 101 Workbook.

Make a plan

Develop your plan

Draft your business continuity plan for disasters and consult other existing resources.

Make a plan

Test, adjust and update your plan

Test your plan, adjust your plan, and regularly update your plan.

Consider how to

Help the community

A close-knit community is more resilient. Share your planning experiences and lessons learned with other businesses, local civic organizations, and your customers.

Build a kit

Stockpile essential supplies and be ready for power outages

Identify and gather essential supplies and be ready for power outages.

Build a kit

Protect your vital records and data

Identify your critical records and plan for backing up and recovering your data.

Build a kit

Hope for the best, plan for the worst

Create a business "Grab-n-Go" case and create a rainy-day fund for your business.

Consider how to

Help the community

Now that you’re business is prepared, help others by getting involved in local recovery groups and volunteering.

Recently impacted by a federally declared disaster?

You may be eligible for SBA Mitigation Assistance to help reduce the impact of future disasters.

SBA Mitigation Assistance 

The roadmap has three main steps:

Be informed

Make a plan

Build a kit

BeforeDuringAfter is a free resource that brings together important information in one place to help small businesses and their communities.

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